But she's a fan of foursquare (I tell her she already has me; she just needs three more) and her old phone isn't making the grade.
Of course, she's not alone. In 2009, smartphone sales grew by over 41% over 2008 numbers and some have gone so far as to say that smartphones have changed their lives.
People are quickly turning their attention to their phones. A new Pew Internet study showed that 33% of adults get their news from their smartphones and a blogger at the SXSW Conference in Austin, Texas last week noted the lack of netbooks and notebooks amongst the tech-forward crowd who were overwhelmingly reliant on their smartphones. Is this a sign of things to come?
DotLoop will be at REtechSouth in a few days and I'm curious to see how many tech savvy agents there will be texting and accessing the web with their smartphones.
As for my girlfriend, she'll get a smartphone eventually. I just hope that when she does, she doesn't become addicted to it and that I'll still be able to converse with her without having to type a single text message. Real conversation, you know?
Is there an app for that?
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