Thursday, April 15, 2010

A 'Burb Blurb

In light of the current National Census that's taking place this month (did you mail yours back yet?), I found this article about how urban cores are growing at a faster rate than the suburbs. Permits for residential properties are increasing by as much as 48% in some cities. Even in Atlanta, future home to a 23-lane highway, core neighborhood growth has grown from 4% to 14%.

The bottom line? The times they are a-changin'. As a a Gen Y guy myself, I can easily understand this housing shift to more walkable, livable neighborhoods. Indeed, one of the greatest things about where I live now is the fact that I can walk across the street to a grocery store. Along with smaller homes, people want more connected living.
“When you look at the regions that are really embracing walkability, investing in transit, and thinking about natural resources protection, these are the regions that are weathering the downturn best”
--Shelley Poticha, director of HUD's Office of Sustainable Housing and Communities
Now, if only we could get rid of the traffic.

What do you think? Are you seeing a shift with your clients requesting more walkable communities?

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