This economy is a strange, fickle little creature, and it may be years before we see an upswing.
At least, that's what
Jeremy Grantham's predicting. This fabled recovery, he says, will not happen in 2010, but around 2016.
You know -
the future.
Of course, he may be just another Economic Nostradamus and might be completely wrong about his "seven lean years" prediction. This downturn, after all, may last even longer.
Our economy is only as fickle as we are, though - we've been impatiently waiting for a recovery for the last three years. Now that it's lasting longer than we had anticipated, it seems a good idea to start thinking long-term about changes we can all make to wade through this economy tsunami.
Here are three areas you, as an agent, can start to cutback on to wade through this recession.
Office SuppliesBetween the manila folders, costly ink cartridges, and burdensome storage cabinets (which take up precious office space), the cost of business has always been a bit on the high side.
With today's technology, however, you can run a completely paperless office, saving you space, waste, and haste.
DotLoop's paperless online transaction system, for example, means you'll never have to worry about costly paper fees (or paper cuts) again.
FuelHow much time are you spending stuck in traffic? How much money are you wasting on gas? Fuel costs add up and can eat into your revenue faster than you think. With more cars on the road today than ever before, even a quick trip downtown can waste hours and gallons.
Luckily, with e-mail, eSign, and eFax services so readily available, you can save your gas for when you really need it - to get to the closing table.
AdvertisingThere are only so many channels agents use to get their name out there; unfortunately, most are not only out-dated, but downright costly.
With free services like
Facebook and
Twitter allowing you to be your own brand manager (and more easily and effectively connect with your audience) why would anyone still use a billboard or bus stop bench to get the word out?
These are just three areas you can curb your spending to survive this wave of slumped sales. I'm sure you can think of even more.
And hey, even if this economy come back swinging again soon, think about how much more efficient, effective, and economic you will be as an agent.