I painted this weekend myself, actually. As I was going over the old paint, I was careful to stay within the lines, until, at one point, I went outside the parameters just a bit.
At first, I freaked out. Being the perfectionist that I am, I wanted to make sure that the new coat of paint covered the old exactly.
But then it dawned on me: I don't have to follow the same old worn pattern. After all, I have a brand new bucket of paint and can make new lines and new boundaries with my paint brush. I have the power to create an entirely new design.
This is great news, especially since the old lines are faded. After all, it's been two whole years since the economy began to crumble. By now, the old paint has chipped off. The question then, is, are you still following the old path, or are you forging a new one?
I challenge you, then, with your new paint bucket, to go and create bold new brush strokes. Maybe you've decided to take on that challenging listing or make your office completely paperless. Maybe you've even decide to embark on an entirely new career path altogether.
It's completely up to you. With all the doom and gloom about the current economy and with everyone wanting to badly to return to the spreadsheets of 2006, we often forget that this crisis is as much an opportunity as anything else.
So, instead of lamenting that the old paint is peeling off, brush away those paint chips and go create a masterpiece.
Don't miss the forest for the "happy little trees".
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