This video is a must see, although most likely you'll be pausing and replaying it over and over again to catch all of the gems of wisdom presented.
For example, on the ROI of social media and online connectedness, Krisstina says that "the ROI of all of this is you will be in business in five years. We don't have a choice to do it or not to do it - it is the way the future is going."
Jack has this to say about web design and why it's probably not a good idea to outsource your web presence to an $8/hour college kid: "[Great results] are not accidents and it takes a good designer to produce that."
Chris himself offered the titular quote. Of course, here at DotLoop, we understand how technology will continue to adjust the way home buyers and sellers interact with their agents. The future of successful real estate belongs to those agents that can engage their clients on their terms. That is, online.
Chris, Krisstina, and Jack all offer some amazing insight into what it takes to make that happen. Be sure not to miss it!
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