If you're an agent working today, then you already know the importance of a good web presence.
What you may not know, however, is what constitutes 'good'.
If you have a website, take a look at this list to make sure you're not falling victim to technology. After all, having a megaphone is one thing; using it wisely is another.
1. I'm #1! I'm #1!Does your website scream #1
anything? Stop it. Sure, you may be the number one agent in your market, and you may have famous clients. But your potential clients don't care. They want to make sure you will help them find a home or sell their existing home.
Who's the focus here anyway: your ego or the client?
2. Music.Just...just don't play music in the background. The quickest way to lose a potential customer is to automatically play music when they log into your site.
3. Poor Picture Quality.If you have listings on your site (which you should), be aware that the quality of the photos reflects the quality of the agent who took them (that is,
you, even if an intern took them). If you have grainy images taken from your 2 mega pixel camera to show off a home, I will be clicking the red X on the top of my browser and will continue shopping for a competent agent.
4. Misspelled Words.The descriptions are just as important as the pictures when listing a home. And glaring misspellings give a potential client the same vibe as grainy pictures - this agent doesn't care. With
dictionary.com a free service, there should be no reason you should have misspelled words on your page.
5. Glamour Shot Photos.If your picture is more than five years old, you need to replace it. And don't wear your blouse with shoulder pads in your new picture, either. Clients do not want to be surprised when they meet you. They want to be sure that you are genuine, not Photoshopped.
Of course, easy navigation, informative content, and an ability to contact you are all very important, too. And, if you're a
DotLoop user, you can let them know that they will be able to negotiate more easily and quickly.
Websites, like a home, need to be maintained.
Are you maintaining yours?