Thursday, May 13, 2010

Google vs. Microsoft: Cloud Clash

In February, while holed up in a wintry landscape, I touched upon cloud computing; specifically, Google Docs' ability to transform anything I write into a Word Document without ever having to upload any software.

So, fearing the wrath of Google (or so it appears), Microsoft announced this week that it's releasing a free version Office 2010 (coupled with advertisements) to work in the cloud, so that customers can use the product without every having to download any software.

As the Wall Street Journal reports today, Google released a blog post on Monday advising users to use their Google Docs rather than upgrade to the newest version of Office, which can costs hundreds of dollars per user.

The tech tussle and software scuffle is interesting to watch from the sidelines, but regardless the winner, the underlying message is clear: the future of software rests in the clouds.

Of course DotLoop has been taking the cloud-based approach since its inception, creating an online, fully collaborative interactive negotiations platform that requires no software to download and install.

Looking ahead over the horizon, the clouds are clearly visible.

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