When I had snow days as a kid, I remember getting up early and turning on the radio to see if my school was closed or not. I would listen intently to the list of closings, my ear pressed against the speaker, the volume low.
"...Jewish Vocational Services Center: Closed; John Paul Catholic Schools: Closed; Kings Local: Closed..."
This was it! I went to Lakota Local Schools, so if I heard 'LaSalle High School' or 'Little Miami School Districts' next, I knew I'd have to trudge my way through the snow to sit in class all day gazing out the window daydreaming about hot chocolate and sledding. Kings Local...psh! They always got snow days...
The announcer continued...
Woo hoo! I did a little jammy dance and headed back to my warm, cozy bed imaging the possibilities of the day that lay before me and deciding how many marshmallows I would have in my hot chocolate. Maybe I'll finish off the bag, I'd tell myself as I drifted off to a few more relished hours of sleep.
Snow Sorry
Of course, as an adult, snow days aren't as fun, if only because, well, we actually have stuff to do. Luckily, technology has made it possible for most of us to complete our job, have that conference, or finish that report even with the white death blanketing our cars. To this degree, the Internet has been a blessing to employers and employees alike. Some of us even get more done on a snow day than on a regular, distracting day in the office.
Others, though, still see snow days as a hinderance--especially real estate agents. Getting negotiations done on a normal day can be tough enough, but a snow day? Driving around town gathering up initials or making adjustments to an offer without chains tied to your tires may render a REALTOR useless. Luckily, with DotLoop, all of your negotiations can take place online, anywhere.
So now, even you, dear agent, can sit back, relax, and finish your work, even on a snow day. And, without having to drive around town, you may find some time to take ole' Rosebud out for a spin...
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