And that's the beauty of real progress--not only can you enhance your pocketbook, but in many ways, you can enhance your environment, too.
Progress in Preservation
In fact, communities across the country (and world) are understanding that progress does not always mean brand new, but oftentimes means rehabilitating what's already there. This is especially true when it comes to the preservation and rehabilitation of historic buildings.

The architecture found in such historic areas is unrivaled. While Dubai's latest skyscraper is impressive in its technological prowess and its shear size, seeing historic buildings with their detailed gargoyles carved by hand and intricate stained glass windows soldered one pane at a time gives communities a real sense of history. They don't make 'em like that anymore...
Blended to Perfection
Or do they?

But you don't have to go halfway around the world to see the benefits in preserving historic buildings. From Charleston, South Carolina to New Orleans to Chicago, cities have all learned that preservation--and not razing--not only keeps a community's character in place, it also helps the local economy (a discussion I'll dive into in a future post). In fact, many preserved neighborhoods are thriving today because they attract the young urbanites who want to live in such places. The presence of young urbanites translates into more tax revenue for a city, and more discretionary spending for the individual, helping both the tax base and local businesses flourish.
Preserve or Parish
We oftentimes confuse progress with new. Everyone loves their new flat-screen TVs, but what of their old tubes? Are they worth preserving? What happens when their "new" TV becomes obsolete with the latest rendition?
We've seen the lasting effects of preservation and the economic benefits of keeping historic buildings around. Still, historic buildings around the country, like the St. John's School in Garden City, NY (shown above) are still endangered. Historic buildings offer more than just a pretty facade, though. Many were built before the single-use zoning laws that took off after WWII and offer walkable, multi-functional communities that people gravitate to.
Besides, do we really need more strip malls?
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