Hey, when you have a good idea, it just 'clicks'. Sort of like DotLoop.
Have a great and safe Memorial Day Weekend, everyone!
Image is courtesy dispatchwork.info
It turns out I was off by a few thousand miles.
On the front page, above the fold of today's Wall Street Journal is a lead story about how American mortgage rates are declining thanks to the European debt crisis. The fears of rates creeping back up to around 6% have been (surprisingly) abated due to the influx of cash into U.S. bonds from skittish global investors, like manna from heaven.
While this bodes well for us in the short-run, I'm interested to see what this will mean in the long-run. After all, one country's crisis may be another country's gain right now, but with everything so inter-linked, just like the recent volcanic ash, the winds of a faltering Europe may eventually blow our way. The manna may have rained down on us, but are we in store for a round of Greece lightning?
We'll see if what happens to Pierre in Paris, France will eventually affect Peter in Paris, Kentucky.
"In my 32 years in the industry," Jim says, "I've seen four major technologies that, when implemented, were able to change the way business was conducted: electronic MLS, fax machines, mobile phones, and the Internet. I believe that paperless transactions will be the fifth technology."